Joel W. Blankenship
Joel W Blankenship
1831 – 1900
33 Indiana Infantry Co A
Joel was born in Pulaski Co Ky lived in Lincoln CO ky for awhile he was the son of James W Blankenship and Martha Williams. Joel followed his uncle John W Blankenship to Indiana he enlisted in the 33 Indiana Infantry in Morgan Co. Indiana. His company moved to Camp Dick Robinson then to Crab Orchard Ky station their for sometime Joel was wounded at the battle of Wildcat Mt. October 1861 his company moved back to Crab Orchard after the Wildcat Mt battle, in 1862 on to Mills Springs Pulaski Co Ky.
In the photo Joel right knee is swelled the photo was probably taken late 1861 or early 1862 not to long after his knee wound the man with the pipe is Noah M Blankenship, Joel brother Noah enlisted in the 8 Kentucky Cavalry in August 1862 the other men could be Bakers . Joel is buried in Douglas Co Illinois.