Battle of Middle Creek – September 7th – 9th
The MAJ James H. Bridgewater Camp 7, along with the Bridgewater Scouts SVR Company hosted the Battle of Middle Creek Sesquicentennial Event on the weekend of September 7 – 9. The reenactment of the battle was held on the actual battlefield outside of Prestonsburg, KY. The battle was fought on January 10th, 1862. The 150th anniversary event was held in September to avoid scheduling conflicts of the major participating reenactor units.
Maintaining control of Kentucky, the Union’s ninth most populous state, was very important to President Lincoln, who had been born there and appreciated its strategic value. The Union campaign leading up to the Battle of Middle Creek, initiated under his leadership, was part of an overall strategy designed to keep his native state within the Union fold. Federal units engaged in the battle were commanded by COL James A. Garfield. These units included Kentucky’s own 14th and 22nd INF as well as elements of the 1st CAV. Also engaged were the 40th and 42nd OVI. At the close of the battle, Confederate forces withdrew in defeat to Virginia.
The event was very well attended by reenactors, the public and our Brothers. The Friends of Middle Creek organization, spearheaded by the efforts of Brother Bruce Austin, continued in its tradition of hosting a fine reenactment.
On Friday, Brothers Timothy Downey, PDC and James Lawlis escorted the nationally renowned Frederick Douglass reenactor Michael Crutcher to the Prestonsburg High School. Mr. Douglass presented his first person presentation to four large groups of students throughout the day. The students and faculty were very attentive and appreciative of our efforts. While this was taking place, several hundred students from a number of local schools visited the reenactment site, where they were shown various aspects of the Rebellion by reenactors manning teaching stations. Brother Austin helped coordinate these activities, as well as making presentations on the use of the bugle in the service.
Friday evening, a 9/11 Memorial Ceremony was held on the site. A local JROTC unit provided a color guard, with a Boy Scout group performing a very moving flag disposal ceremony. Brother Austin bugled during the ceremony; our other Brothers who were present joined the formation of assembled reenactors.
On Saturday, Brothers Tim Carman and Mark Price manned the Bridgewater Camp 7 and Bridgewater Scouts recruiting tent. Contact was made with numerous interested members of the public and dozens of Sesquicentennial Badges were sold.
Prior to the battle, a flag / veteran recognition ceremony was held for the public gathered in the main event tent. Brother Austin was Master of Ceremonies for the service. Brothers Downey, Wayne Scott, Chris Workman, Carman, and Charles McDaniel presented the Federal Colors on behalf of our Order.
The reenactment units held several of our Brothers in their ranks during the battle. Brother Lawlis, of the 33d Indiana INF, was Federal commander. He was joined in the 33d by Brothers Downey, Austin, McDaniel and Workman. Brothers Scott and Price crewed a piece in the battery of the 14th Kentucky ART. Brother Carman manned the recruiting tent during the battle.
On Sunday, Brothers Tony Todd and Joseph Stanley manned the recruiting tent. Our other Brothers resumed their roles in their units for the battle.
The efforts of our membership helped make the event a great success.
Submitted by Timothy H. Downey, PDC